“Confirmation is a public rite of the church preceded by a period of instruction designed to help baptized Christians identify with the life and mission of the Christian community….Prior to admission to the Lord’s Supper, it is necessary to be instructed in the Christian faith (1 Cor. 11:28).  The rite of confirmation provides an opportunity for the individual Christian, relying on God’s promises given in Holy Baptism, to make a personal public confession of the faith and lifelong pledge of fidelity to Christ. [Luther's Small Catechism with Explanation (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1991), 245].

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Instruction leading to confirmation is held over the course of eight plus years for children in our Christian Day School as they learn Bible stories, memorize critical Bible passages, and study and memorize Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.

Children attending public schools are instructed on Wednesday evenings. Children in the 5th and 6th grades study Bible history and begin memorizing Luther’s Small Catechism. In the 7th and 8th grades, catechesis becomes more intense as the young people are instructed more thoroughly in the doctrines and practices of the Lutheran Church.

The pastors, due to their ordination vows and the importance of the task, serve as the catechetical instructors.The Lutheran Confessions state that "our churches teach that no one should publicly teach in the Church, or administer the sacraments, without a rightly ordered call" (Augsburg Confession, Article XIV). Martin Luther’s Small Catechism is the basic textbook used for catechesis. All catechumens are expected to memorize Luther’s Catechism and supporting Bible verses.

Confirmands are examined publicly on their confirmation day which is always held on the first Sunday in May. The congregation is invited and encouraged to attend the examination.