Most of you have heard of our congregation's fundraising effort to help in the fight against malaria.  Malaria is a mosquito-bourne illness that is totally preventable and completely treatable (should it be contracted).  This is in significant contrast to many of the other diseases which raise funds in search of a cure.  There are a number of exciting things about this opportunity for our congregation. 

First of all, it is a way to show mercy to those in need with the resources God as put into our hands.  For $10.00 a treated mosquito net can be purchased and delivered, with proper education on its use, to a family in Africa. 

Secondly, this is a way to especially assist children in this region of the world, who are the future of their contries and their continent.  Just five years ago a child died of malaria every 40 seconds, today various malaria initiatives have helped improve that number to a child dying every 60 seconds.  There is still a long way to go, but we are approaching the goal, and the goal is attainable!

Thirdly, this effort is supported by all 35 of the LCMS districts and other entities (like universities) around the Synod.  While there has been and continues to be many things that cause division among us, this is one area where we are walking together to accomplish a goal.

Finally, according to Galatians 6:10, we Christians seek to serve others as we have first been served by Christ.  "So then as we have opportunity let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of faith."  I would like to make two comments on this verse.  First of all, notice the general willingness (to do good to all people) and the specific focus (especially to those who are fellow Christians...and Lutherans).  Lutheranism is rapidly growing in Africa and this effort is a tangible way of supporting these brothers and sisters.  The underlined word in the quote from Galatians 6 in Greek is "kairos"--translated as "time, opportune time, opportunity," and paraphrased as "just the right moment when the necessary elements and people are brought together."  We have been blessed with much...and we have been blessed with this opportunity as well!

To learn more find our website devoted to this malaria initiative: