
We welcome you warmly in Jesus' name to our spiritual family here at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church and School.

We are a Bible-based, Christian congregation affiliated with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). Our congregation, located on the border of Maple Grove and Corcoran, has been serving God's people in this area with Word and Sacrament since 1864. We are committed to preaching the Gospel purely according to the Lutheran Confessions and properly administering our Lord's Sacraments according to His institution.

Our worship services follow a traditional format using the best liturgical tradition of the Lutheran Church as currently found in our church body's hymnal—Lutheran Service Book.

We celebrate the Lord's Supper weekly as is good Lutheran tradition. Our celebration of the Lord's Supper is reserved for members in good standing of congregations affiliated with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. We ask that visitors from sister LCMS congregations who share our faith and doctrine announce their desire to commune with us to one of our pastors before joining us at the Lord's Table.

Our worship schedule.