
Our Lord's Holy Supper is celebrated in both morning Divine Services every Sunday. Individual glasses are used in the 8:00 a.m. Divine Service on the first Sunday in the month and in the 10:30 a.m. Divine Service on the second Sunday in the month. All other celebrations use the chalice.
Our Celebration of the Lord's Supper agrees with Scripture and the practice of the ancient Christian Church and so is reserved for members in good standing of congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (the phrase "in good standing" means that one is not under church discipline) who agree with the doctrine and practice of our congregation. If you have questions about this practice, please contact one of our pastors; they are eager and most willing to explain this practice more thoroughly.

Visitors from sister LCMS congregations with whom our pastors are not yet acquainted should announce to one of our pastors your desire to commune before joining us at the Lord's Table.
Members should sign the registration form found in the narthex. You may prepare by reading "Christian Questions with Their Answers" for those who intend to go to the Sacrament (LSB pages 329-330).