

November 2012


We are in the last week of the church year.  These last couple of Sundays have taken their assigned Gospel reading from the final discourse of Jesus, spoken during holy Week.  The main topic of Jesus' teaching has to do with the signs of the end of the world and with promises of...


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All Saints' Day and Election Day

On each United States coin there is the Latin saying "e pluribus unum"--"from many, one."  It is the goal of every nation/kingdom/society to be united around common aspirations, common history, common language, and common defense.  In the case of our country we...


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All Saints' Day Celebrated at St. John's

Since I was preaching at a sister congregation (within our circuit) this past Sunday I missed our congregation's celebration of All Saints' Day (one of my favorite Sundays of the year).  Below you will find a newsletter article I wrote for the month of November reflecting on some...


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